Programming - Tips & Tricks

Working with the repository / Subversion

Changing the commit message

In Eclipse you can change the commit message if you made a mistake when comitting code;

  1. On a specific file, folder or project in Eclipse, right-click on it
  2. Choose Team / Show History
  3. A new small window is showed with the tab title 'History' showing all the revisions of the specific file(s)
  4. Right click on the revision line you want to change the message of
  5. Choose 'Set Commit Properties'
  6. Change the message in the new popup window and click on OK

Note: Trac / won't show your new commit message as it catches these messages in its database. When a repository refresh is done, these messages are updated.

Working with Eclipse / Java programming

Use the Eclipse shortcut key combinations!

It's possible to dedicate many pages to the shortcut key combinations of Eclipse. You can see all the possible shortcut keys for your current view with Ctrl + Shift + L. Here are some shortcut keys I use frequently or are quite handy:

To run the bots in Eclipse, you don't have to keep right-clicking the and going to Run as. Just highlight the and on the top bar of your environment, Click the play button (run) which will start the core :).

Do you have more handy or useful shortcut keys that you want to share? Feel free to add them to this list.